Tuesday, February 24, 2009


School was kinda boring today. PE was great (as always) we got our fitness test back, I got a B. Is that okay do you think? Anyone who got above that please tell me. We played hockey too, it was fun. I got hit in the shins like five times. I keep getting in the middle of all the hockey sticks somehow. It's realllllly annoying. I was having a conversation with a friend yesterday:

Friend-...he doesn't wash his hair!...I think he wears shampooing gel though...omg that's weird
Me-Huh? Who doesn't wash his hair?
-The hottest guy in the world!
-Hmmmm...You mean the guy in Twilight?
-Yeah, exactly
Other friend-Haha, your like right away "You mean the guy in Twilight?"

Not that I really think thats hes super hot but my friend does so...Yeah.
