Saturday, January 31, 2009


Well, I will tell you guys the blog I just read once ______ emails me back. Anyway, after reading it, I wanted to go back to China. As some of you guys know, I was born there, and lived there until I was 4 years old, maybe I should write that down somewhere, yeah, I know, you guys don't know what I'm talking about. I moved to Australia when I when I was...well, 4, I lived there 'till i was 6! Then I moved here. I was very excited and sad to move here. Sad because, well everyone would be, because I would miss my friends, excited because I've never been to America. I've only been in Asia and Australia (for continents). Now that I actually know what I'm thinking I actually miss Australia. I started missing it when Lily (my friend) moved here. I've been watching her suffer from missing her old home for like almost years. Then I started getting a taste of that. I think I'm going to visit China next summer, and hopefully Australia the next. Well when ever you move, make new friends, but remember the old!!!

-Tracey Shi

SHE in China

ive just visited another blogger site. its very interesting. those of u guys who r interested in china, go to this.... sry, i forgot to ask permission so im gonna have to get back to u on this. anywho. i have a friend who also created a blog. we're gunna kinda connect ours. oh crap, how are we gunna do this?


Sooooooooooooo bored!!!!!!1

im just soooo bored i dont know wat to do. leave ur comments on wat i should do. i still havent dont my homework yet but i dont really wanna. oh well, i guess i should do it grabs pencil and paper. sneeze oh bless me.


hey guys, so im here making a new post while im supposed to be doing homework. oh well, so im going to make a new poll everyweek and... let see. when did i do the poll last? i think ill do a new one every monday. hows that? i will announce which answer thingy won every monday too. also comment on anything u guys want. if u have trouble commenting then comment sayi... wait thats not going to work... then those of u who know my email can email me about it. but right now i will check if u ppl can comment. have fun reading this post and anything else u do. ohhhhh i want to do a new poll NOW!!!!!!!! so wat else is there to say? oh yeah, comment on school and how u hate it (if u do) and tell ur friends to look at this website!!!!!! i hope it will be popular!!!!!!!!

luv ya'll (expecially the cute guys),

Friday, January 30, 2009

Hi guys, I just created this blog, so I'm still getting used to it. Does anyone know about a Meebo Me widget? If you do please show me how to use it on this. Thanks.


Meebo Me widget

Hi guys, I just created this blogger thingy. I don't really know how to use it. But I will do more blogs as soon as I can. Please comment on this blog if you can. I still need to figure out how to do this thingy.
