Tuesday, February 24, 2009


School was kinda boring today. PE was great (as always) we got our fitness test back, I got a B. Is that okay do you think? Anyone who got above that please tell me. We played hockey too, it was fun. I got hit in the shins like five times. I keep getting in the middle of all the hockey sticks somehow. It's realllllly annoying. I was having a conversation with a friend yesterday:

Friend-...he doesn't wash his hair!...I think he wears shampooing gel though...omg that's weird
Me-Huh? Who doesn't wash his hair?
-The hottest guy in the world!
-Hmmmm...You mean the guy in Twilight?
-Yeah, exactly
Other friend-Haha, your like right away "You mean the guy in Twilight?"

Not that I really think thats hes super hot but my friend does so...Yeah.


Sunday, February 22, 2009

Comment pleaseeeeee

You guys aren't commenting!!! Annoying. Pleaseeeee comment on what could make this blog better.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

A sequel???...

Hey, do you guys know the movie Titanic? The one with Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet? Well apparently they just made a sequel. I don't know if it's true or not but I hope that they do. So comment please. If it is true pleeeeaaaasssssseeeeee tell meeeee.


Stupid Game!

Stupid Game, won't let me resume. There's this really addicting game Penguin Diner. It's actually really simple, but it's sooooo addicting. I had to go eat lunch today, so I stopped. It said "(your game will be saved)". So I stopped. Then when I went back to it, it started from the beginning again. So first it said "Would you like to resume your game?" I clicked yes. And...you know the rest.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Dad's sick

My dad's sick so he can't take me anywhere. I'm so bored!!!! It's still vacation and I don't know what to do now!!! AHHHHHH, help me!!! Oh well, last day.

-Tracey Shi

Thursday, February 19, 2009


I can't believe that I forgot to post blogs for like a week. Anyway, it's winter vacation!!!! And guess who's the genius behind Fred? It's....ahhhhh.....hmmmm lemme just find out. I know its Lucus something. Ahhh... It's Lucas Cruikshank. So yeah. It's really funny and he's on iCarly too. www.icarly.com.

-Tracey Shi


The poll is now closed and the winner isssssss...SPRITE!!!!! I don't remember if one of them was from me or not.

-Tracey Shi

Thursday, February 12, 2009


So today I went on http://www.youtube.com and watched some video thing called Fred. This is the website: http://fredfigglehorn.com. This dude who has anger management, his mom's an acholic, and his dad's in prison. It's really weird. So he's going to be on Icarly too! I don't even know what it's about. Weeeiiiirrrrrd. So in school, we don't have a lot of homework! Yayyyyy, The only thing that's due tomorrow is a thing called Changing China. There's math homework but it's due after vacation (vacation is next week!). So tomorrow's our field trip! Yay, I'm just feeling so happy right now! Yayyyyyyyy, I want to practice my purple clarinet because my BEST (I have a lot more best friends) friend, Valerie, just lent me a reed. That's why she's so nice and everyone loves her. Hi Valerie! Ok, g2g do my homework. Bye.

-Tracey Shi

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Field Trip....and my day at school

Yay, we're going on a field trip! The bad news is it's the Musuem of Fine Arts (which is sooooo boring). I love the Science Musuem waaaay better. We're going on Friday. We have a Vocab and Grammer test every week on Friday so....yeah, we're not going to have one this week. The also bad news is that we're NOT going to miss the first three periods (classes). That means I have spanish (I don't really like spanish, if you go to Oak Hill Middle School you'll know why), art, and english. At least we'll miss the other periods (yay). So today we had nothing really interesting except for P.E. (physical education). We played basketball (same as usual), but we actually played a REAL game of it. I didnt get the ball twice, I got it once but like three people were blocking me from the basket so I just shot blindly...and of course...I missed. I was SOOOO close to making that basket if I just got the ball smoothly. Oh well, at least I tried. Next week we're going to play floor hockey (I was just starting to like basketball). I WAS excited but now I'm not that much. I kinda wanna keep going with basketball. Also I need a new reed for my (purple) clarinet. I only have one reed left, and it's broken. Oh well, I guess I'll just borrow Valerie's. Well, as I said, that was the only interesting thing in school today. Also, the weather was really nice. I felt like spring, you could just spend your whole day out side wearing just a thin jacket. I can't wait until Friday. That's all I have to say, bye.

-Tracey Shi


Why isn't anyone viewing my blog? Probably because it's too boring. I'll think of ways to make it better. Now I just need to figure out how. How about I tell about my day at school? From now on I will tell everything I can think of. Deal? Deal.

-Tracey Shi

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Poll Time

The winner of last weeks poll is...Social Studies!!!!

-Tracey Shi

Monday, February 9, 2009

Too Much Homework!

Omg, there is just toooo much homework these days. Now I'm actually kind of sick, literally, because I got a cold, duh! Well, I don't know what to say. Too much homework is just tooo much ppl!

-Tracey Shi

Friday, February 6, 2009


Sorry I haven't posted any new mostes so far. I was kind of busy...with homework. I've had a lot of homework sooo farrrrr. Well, now I have to finish again. Bye

-Tracey Shi

Monday, February 2, 2009

Groundhog Day

Happy Groundhog Day! Remind me again why it's called Groundhog Day? Anyway... I have not that much homework today (surprisingly). Well, I gotta go do the things I have to do, bye.

-Tracey Shi


Well, my poll has problems but I still got to change it... in a harder way. So the winner for last weeks poll was... (drumroll please)... sledding and snowboarding!!!

-Tracey Shi

Sunday, February 1, 2009


Yay, it's finally February! Wow, I need to go on a shopping trip. I'm all outta clothes. Also, I'm realllllly, realllllly craving choclate right now! So, do any of you peoples know how to check how many people have viewed this? I don't think a lot though, =[ . And for you other peoples, VOTE, VOTE, VOTE. I really want to do this poll thingy. So tomorrow, I am creating a new poll. Yay me, so thanks those of you who really participated in this blogger!!!

-Tracey Shi


LOL, vote guys, vote alllll you cannnnnn. VOOOOOOOOOOTEEEEEEEEE. Mm, do I smell bacon? g2g bi. BACON HERE I COOOOOOMMMMMMEEEEE, lol.

-Tracey Shi

SHE in China

I've gotton permission!!! I've just gotton permission to recommend a fellow blogger. Her name is Jonna Wibelius and her blog is very interesting: http://www.sheinchina.blogspot.com. It's about all the adventures she's having in China.

-Tracey Shi